I guess I’m coming back

Apparently in 2013 I used to write a blog. This is something I remember very little of honestly. I remember taking the photos more than the writing, which is not surprising as I have a photographic memory.

Going through those few posts just now as kind of like reading anyone else’s work. Like a stranger. It was before so much of life took over, and left me with less reflective time. I haven’t stopped writing, though it’s been only for myself.

But wow so much has happened since then. In 2013 I had a major accident, a 7 car pile up on the interstate. 2014, I had a baby, and got my real estate license. 2015, I found out my husband was having an affair, attempted to keep up with life while knowing what was happening, and remaining quiet about how deep the betrayal went (this girl was in the room when my daughter was born).  2016 I moved in with my parents, worked doing whatever I could as the motivation to go out and “sell” within me was obsolete. 2017 I got divorced in the most kind and friendly way anyone can get divorced, seriously, even with the betrayal, we have a very friendly and happy relationship now.  Though the cuts are still deep, I do recognize the part we both played in our relationships failings. Now in 2018, I finally feel like I’m recovering. It’s taken a long time to let go of that former life I had, that former dream of the future. To adapt to a new dream. New life.

Luckily, I’ve had some angels in my life that have really and truly gotten me through all of this.

I would like to start writing again with the intention of sharing. It doesn’t even matter if anyone reads it. It’s almost like going to the gym. Keeping up on the maintenance of my mind. No idea what it will really be about, just writing, and finding the path along the way. I’m not good at making plans anyway. I prefer the spontaneity.

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